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Total Image Makeover

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Sometimes, there’s nothing for it but a complete overhaul. The Total Image Makeover combines Style and Colour Analysis with a Make-up Lesson to transform your appearance from top-to-toe. During this session you’ll find out how to create a complete look that suits you and your lifestyle, saving you time, money and angst. You’ll acquire the knowledge and confidence to create an updated look and more co-ordinated wardrobe, full of things you’ll want to wear again and again.

As there is a lot of information to absorb I recommend dividing the Total Image Makeover into two bite-size pieces, ie Colour Analysis & Make-up Lesson, followed on a separate day by Style Analysis, which can take place either back in my studio or online.

You’ll learn how to:

  • choose the styles that flatter your body shape, scale and proportions
  • dress appropriately for your personality, lifestyle and budget
  • select the shades that bring your colouring to life
  • apply a natural looking make-up quickly and easily
  • avoid expensive shopping mistakes

020 8690 2475

Duration: 4 hours (plus 2.5 – 3 hours personalising & mailing your style workbook & make-up tutorial notes afterwards)

Fee: £395.00 (save £50)


  • 42 colour fabric swatches (worth £53)
  • 28-page personalised Style workbook
  • Personalised makeup Tutorial notes & diagrams

Contact me to book or discuss a Total Image Makeover

For maximum benefit you can take things a step further by booking a Shopping Trip or Wardrobe Planning session

Classes may be taken separately, please contact me to discuss your options